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copyright © 2021/22 KCT Ltd. Katherines styles/designs/prints are trademarked and copywritten

Our Story its a bit of a read…………

Katherine has spent all her career working within Fashion and the arts, through styling and art production. Born in Africa and schooled in Hong Kong, after which she moved to London and gained a first class BA Hons Degree in Fashion Design, and an MA in Fine Art. She worked for a number of years as a freelance stylist and fashion journalist for national newspapers and glossy magazines such as Elle, Vogue and You Magazine amongst others. Working alongside acclaimed photographers such as Snowden, Bailey, John Swannel, Tony Mcgee and Chris Craymer.

She went on to start her own company Vintage Kit vintage kit insta A children’s wear brand, for which she designs all garments and fabrics. The fabrics and products are then printed and manufactured here in the UK. Her stockists include Harvey Nichols, Selfridges and Harrods. Kitson Kidsand Fred Siegal in LA, and Harvey Nichols in HK. Disney asked her to create a brand together, and thus Disney by Vintage Kit was born, marrying classic Disney characters with her own unique hand drawn style. Katherine is responsible for elevating Disney to a high end brand selling alongside her personal prints. Katherine moved both brands, into wall paper, bedding and lampshades.

Katherine worked with and curated fashion shows for the hugely acclaimed Vintage Festival, with Wayne and Gerardine Hemingway, undertaking sole charge of the fashion and runways, employing her own team, from London Fashion week. Getting sponsors and brand awareness through hard work and dedication, with the help of celebrity friends and clients, has been a key part of her role. Celebrating the festival at Goodwood 2010, as well as at Southbank and the Queen Elizabeth Hall.

Katherine is a sessional Senior Fashion Lecturer, and has been full-time with the University for the Creative Arts.

Katherine is an avid supporter for women and children in Domestic violence working alongside Women’s Aid and Stepchange. Currently working yearly on her Arts ‘Womans House’ for charity supporting all women and children through working with artists for charity. This has prompted Katherine in writing her first book.WEP Huffington post

Katherines focus currently are her prints and making for film. She works on short films ‘ making’ the sets, pop videos. Working closely with Directors in film in Art Production and Wardrobe. She licences her own prints and takes commissions for original prints to suit companies. Tailor made prints around colour ways designs and seasons for other brands/designers.2018 showreel. Art Production

Katherine as an artist and maker likes to embrace the use of old techniques, hand-dyed and hand-printed textiles and illuminating the natural qualities of materials. Fabrics are tinted in natural or low-impact dyes. Garments are constructed with the highest standards by a local workforce. Katherine is responsible at all times of carbon footprint and the need to keep making in the UK..

copyright © 2021/22 KCT Ltd. Katherines styles/designs/prints are trademarked and copywritten

Wether its fifty bags

of compost and 12 old tyres…

0r hand painting a full set of giant Bingo Balls with matching set dress ….